Sam Cassell For NBA's Ugliest Man

Our next candidate for NBA's ugliest man is none other than Sam Cassell. The reasons are obvious. People have been known to compare his looks to Gollum, from some nerd movie, but we here at The Daily Pooper will do no such thing. The description of Cassell's ugliness will be much shorter than that of Chris Kaman. We believe that Sam's ugliness speaks for itself. Look at the pictures. The first one is well, almsot disgusting. The second is of his patented "big balls dance". In the third picture, Cassell appears to be preparing to eat Latrell Sprewell. We know that if we had a rabid Cassell climbing on our back, we would not be able to have the composure that Sprewell shows here. Hats off to you Latrell, you are a better man than we. Can Cassell be defeated, most definitely. The man who poses his biggest challenge, Steve Nash, is up next.
Keep juggling your big balls, America.
Ah. Sam Cassell. A big-balled, zombie version of E.T.
9:32 AM
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