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Friday, August 04, 2006

The First Annual NBA's Ugliest Man Award.

We here at The Daily Pooper like to give out year end awards to sports stars who really give it their all. We now present the 1st Annual NBA's Ugliest Man Awards. This competition will also be held for MLB and The NFL after their seasons.
The rules are simple
1. You must have played a significant role for your team during the last season.
2. All pictures are admissable, no matter what year they were taken. However, pictures taken after the season's end are not admissable until next year.
3. You have to be at least kind of good.
4. You better be really ugly.

That's pretty much it. After much consideration, we have narrowed it down to three finalists. Amazingly, two players from the same team are finalists. Each player will have his own post with picture evidence. This will give you an idea of how hard will be for us to pick a final winner. You must keep in mind that we love our ugly athletes. We hold them in the highest regard. It takes talent to be an NBA star, it takes talent and heart to be an NBA Ugly Man.

It is with great pleasure that we present our finalists for 2006. They are Chris Kaman of the L.A. Clippers, Sam Cassell of the L.A. Clippers and Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns. Stay tuned this week to learn and see more of each player's ugliness as well as the winner. First up, Chris Kaman.
Keep uglying America


Blogger MrVilhauer said...

Well, that saves Steve Nash's win until next year.

Scottie PIppen had better be one of the judges.

9:23 AM

Blogger * said...

Yes, Pippen is on our payroll, but it's actually as a consultant. he will weigh in on the final decision, but it's highly unlikely that we will listen to him.
when you see the pictures we are using, i think it's safe to say that nash could DEFINITELY win this year, but maybe not.
as for next year, a lot can happen in 365 days.

10:27 AM

Anonymous toasterhands said...

Michael Ruffin is the ugliest ever!

11:52 PM


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