Jon Lovitz...cannibal?

Knowing the commercial is on every five minutes, we waited around to see it again, just to make sure we hadn't misheard Sir Lovitz. Unfortunately for us and 'vitz-headz around the world, it was unmistakable. There was no other way to hear it. Jon Lovitz, our boy, said "Eat Flesh."
We tried to reach him for comment, but it was useless. He would not answer his phone. We bought a map to his home from a strange lady on the street but it got us nowhere. We got to his house and stood outside arguing about who would knock on the door. None of us were brave enough to face the man-eating man. Imagine being face-to-face with a cannibal, could you do it?
We, of course, will not give up. Non-give-up-itude is one of our middle names, as you know. We will continue to try and muster up the courage to face Jon "The Cannibal" Lovitz.
Stay vigilant, America.
Good god.
You have a lounge?
11:27 AM
yes, we do. it is very large and official.
4:06 PM
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